Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Marlboro Man

Dear Miss Lisa:
The holiday season is here which means family and friends feel it's in my best interest to hang a goose-neck lamp, sit me down in a chair and interrogate me on why I haven't found "that special girl" yet.
What can I do to head them off at the pass?
Marlboro Man

Dear Marlboro Man,
If you look anything like the commercials, here's my number, call me. 

Just Kidding!

Any time too much attention is on you and it makes you uncomfortable, learn to divert and destroy or conquer. Turn their question around so it's really about them. It's easy-peasy, everyone loves to talk about themselves. Another fun strategy is to pretend to be texting someone constantly; it's very annoying, they'll think it's a woman on the other end and they won't worry about you anymore. In fact, it will probably aggravate them exceedingly that you're texting during the main holiday meal, while opening presents, you get where I'm going with this...

Does anyone else have this problem? I know I do... I usually tell them I'm talking or going out with several guys at the same time
. Tends to make them worry, but the faces they make in response is totally worth it!

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