Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Meowing In Memphis

Dear Miss Lisa:
HELP! I'm about to buy another cat because I'm so lonely but I already have 4 of them and really don't need another mouth to feed!!! I've been on the Match and Christian dating sites but don't like any of the guys on there. What's a girl gotta do to get a date? I'm really upset!!!
Meowing in Memphis

Dear Meowing,
First off, calm down or you'll throw up a hairball.

Secondly, you haven't given me very much information but it sounds like you need to try a different dating site. Have you tried the cowboys dating site? My own daughter signed me up for the Farmer's Only site and the responses were pretty good which was a nice kick starter to cope with my own frustration. It hasn't turned into any dates (I'm kind of picky) but it's fun to see the pictures of cute farmers in the dells. I signed up for the motorcycle one once but the guys looked as rough as I imagined so I deleted my account.

Has anyone had any experience with the dating sites that aren't your usual mainstream? No X-rated sites, please, this is a PG group, and I still have that ruler in my desk drawer.....

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